
Archive for the ‘doughnuts’ Category


We have an all-night doughnut shop in town, just about the only thing open after dark, except the hospitals.  Of course.  Doughnuts or hospitalization?  You decide!  And since I didn’t feel like severing a limb, I thought I’d go play Scrabble with a couple friends. 

 I used to think “alternative” people were scary.  The people “downtown”.  Oooh.  Mohawks, spiked hair, piercings.  But that was years ago, growing up in suburbia, knowing you either looked exactly like everyone else, or you had a problem.  And I didn’t have a problem, so I looked just like everyone else, to a degree.  Although I had no interest in fashion then.  I now finally have an interest in fashion!  (Cheap fashion, of course.)  And where else does one go when wearing a 1960’s dress like my grandmother wore when she had kids at home?  And a 1950’s sweater?  And a scarf in my hair like I should have been wearing my poodle skirt?  (Yes, I have one!)  You go: “Downtown!”  Sing it with me!  The great thing was, that song played on the radio last night.  Always reminds me of that great scene in Short Circuit where they’re locked in the freezer and have only a calculator and a genius. 

 We never let Steve keep score of Scrabble… but he complained, so we let him, and told him our evil secret about why he never wins… because we tamper with the math (which is untrue), and we said that if he won, we’d know he was tampering with the math!  For the second time ever, Steve won.  It was a terrible game, though!  For once, the board was spread out, lots of room between words, instead of our normal piggy-back strategy, but somehow this board had fewer choice spots than usual.

I was informed last night that a “player” is one who tells a woman one thing, waits to see her reaction, then tells her another opposite thing, waits, tells her something else… and eventually, she’ll respond favorably.  Supposedly because “women” only hear what they want to hear, and “players” only say what they think will get what they want… meaning that no matter what has been said before or hence, the woman will glom onto just one thing which she wants to hear.

It’s very interesting to see stereotypes through the eyes of the opposite sex.  Yet, I can see some truth…  I’d often wondered how some women get into terrible relationships, but then, I’d never thought of the man of those same relationships as being purposefully deceitful (or is it subconscious?).  When does one trust what the other person says?  I think it takes time, despite that song in “Zanna Don’t” which informs one that you must move quickly to cement the feeling before it fritters away, move fast!  The entire song, my being flinched away.  I guess I’m distrustful… and naive 🙂  Mine own oxymoron!

 I spent all day today waiting for the UPS man to arrive.  A confirmation call arrived yesterday and said, UPS will arrive between 8am and 7pm, and someone must be available to sign for the package.  At 4pm, I switched shifts with someone else, and at 7pm sharp, the item arrived.  Sounds like those old commercials for the cable company, you wait and wait and wait, and eleven hours later… 



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